Scientific Lectures
Elastic mathematics
Quantianalysis (uninumbers, quantioperations, quantisets, & multiquantities)
General estimation theory
General approximation theory
The relative error & least-square method by Gauß & Legendre: their
fundamental defects, correction, & generalization
Popular Science Lectures
Shortcomins of traditional mathematics
Mathematical discoveries & inventions
Mysteries of the infinite
Errors & reserves
Contradictory problems
Preparation & edition of scientific works
Scientific Lectures
Informatics investigation, discoveries, & inventions
Inventing new data type transformations, operators, etc.
Inventing practically perfect standard functions much better than those by
Microsoft, Borland, etc.
Inventing great database operation acceleration methods
Inventing a hierarchy of own criptographic methods
Popular Science Lectures
Undervolting a computer
Computer system stability check methods
Computer "thinking" & handling
Strategy & tactics of selecting the optimum computer program
Office & Open Office
Text, image, & sound editors
Power Point
Relational databases & SQL
Telephone & Internet providers
Satellite TV for computers via motor antennas
Search engines
Mechanics & Physics
Scientific Lectures
macroelement method of solving three-dimensional problems for the first time
universal nondimensional relative stresses explicitly displaying individual
Scalar relative
stresses for static loading
Vectorial relative
stresses for variable loading
General strength
theory & discovering hierarchies of strength laws of nature for the first
Equivalent stress
concentration theory
General implantation theory & the concept of a universal nondimensional dose
General demodulation method for correcting errors in measurement technology
Popular Science Lectures
macroelement method vs. finite element method
Are there any
known strength laws of nature?
Known strength
criteria & their narrow applicability range
Strength mysteries
Countering implantation
Correcting measurement errors
investigation & discoveries
Scientific achievements estimation
Knowledge theory
with an iteration method of teaching & learning associated concepts
Health Sciences
Popular Science Lectures
of human demand theory
Health concept
Clearing organisms
Clearing souls
Eyes' health
CEM technology
Nishi hymnastics
Natural juice
Eating & drinking
Overcoming stress,
suicidality, & non-medical depression
Poetic therapy
Musical therapy
Singing therapy
Dancing therapy
Creativity therapy
Health psychology
& pedagogics
Strategy & tactics
of improving health
Methods of search
for health information on the Internet
Huge role of
charisma, aura, positive energy & thinking, optimism, sincere attention &
interest, understanding & supporting, as well as diplomacy, for health
Own health way
Natural thinking
Scientification methods for humanities & culture
Knowledge theory
Personal & civilization future
Scientific, cultural, & life improvisations, discoveries, & inventions
Methodology of nonstandard problems
Nontraditional thinking
Life sense
Anfänge des Russischen Staates
Annahme des Christentums
Entwicklung des Russischen Staates nach der Annahme des Christentums
Einfluss der Idee „Moskau – das Dritte Rom“ auf die Politik des Staates
Sakralisierung des Monarchen als semiotischer Prozess
Zaren-Bezeichnung „heilig“ und die Salbung
Altrussische Vorstellungen von der Staatsmacht
Geistesgeschichtliche Voraussetzungen russischer Traditionen
Russische und ukrainische Geschichte und Mentalität
Philology & Art
Own scientific, literary, & communicative multilinguism
Poetry & prose: teaching, learning, creation, & discoveries
Preparation & edition of literary works
Nobel Prize Winner Ivan Bunin: Life, Poetry, & Prose
Nobel Prize Winner Boris Pasternak: Life, Poetry, Small Prose, & "Doctor
Nobel Prize Winner Joseph Brodsky: Life, Poetry, & Prose
Vladimir Vysotsky: Life, Poetry, & Prose
Vladimir Vysotsky as a Cultural Phenomenon
Vladimir Vysotsky's Art
Vladimir Vysotsky: Traditions & Innovations
Vladimir Vysotsky & Author's Song
Author's Song Colleagues of Vladimir Vysotsky
Alexander Gorodnitsky: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Alexander Dolsky: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Alexander Rosenbaum: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Alexander Pushkin: Life, Poetry, & Prose
Mikhail Lermontov: Life, Poetry, & Prose
Fyodor Tyutchev: Life & Poetry
Afanasy Fet: Life & Poetry
Osip Mandelstam: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Anna Akhmatova: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Marina Tsvetaeva: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Nicolay Gumilyov: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Maximilian Voloshin: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Velimir Khlebnikov: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Nicolay Zabolotsky: Life & Poetry
Boris Chichibabin: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Eugeny Evtushenko: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Andrey Voznesensky: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Bella Akhmadulina: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Robert Rozhdestvensky: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Alexander Vertinsky: Life, Poetry, & Prose
Alexander Galich: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose
Bulat Okudzhava: Life, Poetry, & Prose
Yury Vizbor: Life, Poetry, & Small Prose |
Integration & Adaptation
Personal & social integration & adaptation: philosophy,
psychology, pedagogy, self-pedagogy, strategy, & tactics
Rational scaling & social measuring
Job Marketing
Personal job marketing, economics, & politics: philosophy,
psychology, pedagogy, self-pedagogy, strategy, & tactics
Job placement & personal marketing
Strategy & tactics of realistic & useful self-estimation
Strategy & tactics of optimizing search for desired job vacancies
Selecting the best job search engines
Website application method
Strategy & tactics of the investigation & estimation of firms & job
Strategy & tactics of strengthening the psychology of a job applicant via
Personal manager psychology
Strategy & tactics of optimizing a job application
Strategy & tactics of applying informatical, psychological & other
inventions to job applications
Direct way of a job application to the special department
Strategy & tactics of a preparation to an interview for a job
Strategy & tactics of optimizing the complete behavior (dress code, pose,
mimic, speech, showing application documentation, additions, etc.) by an
interview for a job
Strategy & tactics of transforming own shortcomings into advantages via
changing a standpoint by an interview for a job
Huge role of charisma, aura, positive energy & thinking, optimism, sincere
attention & interest, understanding & supporting, as well as diplomacy, by
human communication especially if another person decides
Strategy & tactics of optimizing on-the-job training at a firm
Strategy & tactics of long-term successful work at a firm via harmonizing
mutual interests
Strategy & tactics of long-term successful work, optimization & development
of a personal management firm via human & social discoveries & inventions
Psychology & Pedagogics
Own development of good luck theory
A human among people
Overcoming stress, suicidality, & non-medical depression
Life school: Personal & social luck & harmony
Life & creation
Estimating life quality
Self-psychology & self-pedagogy
Poetry of love, life, culture, & science
System of lifetime education useful only
Mathematical abilities psychology & pedagogy
Nonstandard thinking abilities psychology & pedagogy
Teaching & learning science, scientific
achievements estimation, preparation & edition of scientific works, &
informatics: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, & self-pedagogy
Teaching & learning personal & personal job marketing, personal economics &
politics: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, self-pedagogy, strategy, &
Teaching & learning self-realization, fate design, success organization,
supporting & estimating life quality & creation, personal & social luck &
harmony, & civilization future: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy,
self-pedagogy, strategy, & tactics
Teaching & learning poetry: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, self-pedagogy,
strategy, & tactics
Self-realization, fate design, & success organization
Strategy & tactics of the greatest creative achievements
Strategy & tactics of optimizing own life
Own way to good luck |